Sunday, 5 December 2010

Instant Flight Airships ; 'Ground to Orbit' by James Yarger Doesn't Require a Runway

Ground to Orbit

Liftoff has never been so easy, thanks to the ‘Ground to Orbit’ airship. Although just a concept at the moment, it doesn’t require a runway to fly; instead, it goes straight into the sky as though it were some form of rocket.
Designed by James Yarger, the Ground to Orbit airship uses lighter-than-air gas to help in its instant flight venture. Perfect for remote pickup and drop-off sites that lack runways, it also leaves 80% less of a carbon footprint compared to other similarly sized air crafts.
Ground to Orbit
Ground to Orbit
Ground to Orbit
Ground to Orbit
Ground to Orbit
Ground to Orbit
Ground to Orbit

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